I want to bang my head against the wall with Manchin’s stance that legislation like this should be bipartisan all while republicans on the state level are putting forth absolutely egregious legislation.

I’m wondering what kind of options we have to fight because I don’t want to give up either but I feel like all these Republican tactics will overrun us.

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I don't think it was just the Chamber of Commerce that got to Manchin & Sinema. I hope the DOJ is looking into Putin and Russian money flowing into those two scumbags' accounts as well.

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Manchin is a DINO. He seems to be the Republicans best friend. I'm really afraid that in 2025 we will no longer have a democracy in America. Perhaps I should just put blinders on. After all, I'm a white hetero male in the upper 20% wealth category. I'm enormously priviledged. But what the Republicans are doing in governments around the country just pisses me the F*** off!! I can't help it. Manchin may well go down in history as the man who opened the door to the overthrow of democracy. I don't know what we can do to stop this slow moving train wreck from happening. Just like climate change, not enough powerful people are willing to do the right thing to stop disaster from happening. It is so depressing.

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What is wrong with Manchin? The Constitution gives all citizens the right to vote. There is no logical reason to make it difficult for Americans to vote. I'm just furious with what's going on in this country.

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Is it true he didn't give a concrete reason why he didn't support both voting legislations??

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funny, reading this and other 'progressive' pages/blogs/twitter timelines, sounds like the same ole, same ole "whoa is us, the sky is falling!!! No need to vote, just stay home" rhetoric....went thru this foolishness in 2010 when folx STAYED HOME because the black guy didn't walk on water like they wanted him to (and yeah, "progressives" were told to stay home by fellow "progressive" pundits--present company excluded). Same shyt happened again in 2012 and 2014.

Looks like the "chicken littles" of the democratic party are off the farm again....

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How sadly pathetic this all is, we can't even get our side to agree on voting rights?!? I fear that we have seen the last of Democracy, or at least having a spine to protect it. Manchin is a repugnican in all aspects as far as I can see, what has he ever done to support his party (in name)? This will not end well and we need to figure out another way to get the peoples' message heard, we want all votes to count! Pretty easy to figure out, non?

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I live in the Puget Sound area of Washington state and was wondering how much taxes I pay for West Virginia? Does anyone know how I can figure that out? I know my state pays more into the pot than West Virginia and I want to email my senators, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell about it. I figure Manchin's constituents live off of the taxes I pay more than their coal money in this day and age. If we can get blue state senators willing to stir the pot and telling the red state senators how much they owe us maybe that can move some folks...? They need to band together and just tell the red state senators that we're going to keep our money for our state. It has to be a nearly across the board threat to these people. They only understand money, they don't care about people. It's very frustrating to see a studio apartment in my area going for $1300 a month, and my money goes to people that don't want to know anything.

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I appreciate that you are using both urgent and concise language in this piece. There are too few voices with a platform that are doing so. I am pretty disgusted with the white house press corps who refuse to ask any serious questions about this to the administration. To answer the question asked in the title of your piece, yes, we are going to let Manchin end democracy. Maybe not all of us will let that happen but enough of the so called left are operating exactly in the way that will let that happen. As someone who is not a democrat and only votes for them as a means of harm reduction this will be my breaking point. If you can't even reduce the greatest harm we face then what is the point? We have spent the past 6 years where antifascists have been accused by the left of being alarmists and overreacting but we are way worse off than we were when trump took office. Even libs like Biden want to take credit for the work of antifascists as a basis of his campaign. Elite libs like him discouraged us from opposing the nazi rally in Charlottesville in 2017 yet are quick to associate themselves with the fact that there was not another gathering of that kind for several years. We are closer to fascist control in the US than we were back then.

I hope your readers and listeners take your call to action to heart and mobilize to stop what is happening and in my opinion if elected dems fail this challenge to save democracy in this limited time we have left, they will have proved that they don't deserve to be in charge either. If they are not up to this they need to get the fuck out of the way.

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