
FYI: I deleted the comments of someone who came in here to troll. First off, generally people should stick to the topic at hand -- he was off topic, a Trump supporter talking about Trump and not the topic at hand. Second, this newsletter and it's threads are troll-free zone for readers, and listeners to my show, to discuss issues at hand. On my show's Facebook page, we allow all kinds of discussion where people can battle it out, including with the Trumpers. On this newsletter, in the open threads and elsewhere, I want people to be free of harassment and any attacks or promotion of right-wing ideology. There are plenty of places they can do that. (I did leave the comment of someone responding to the troll, but deleted the troll's comments.). Anyway, please stick to the topic at hand. Thanks.

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Apr 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I've seen a shift in some people. Long-term, my husband was a Republican who voted for Bush II, then Obama twice, then Hillary. He just told a friend, "I'm NOT a Republican anymore!" He hates Trump. My father, 92, was a Trump voter and now says, "He's insane." Good friends of ours from New York both voted for Trump, and at the time I was amazed because they KNEW BETTER having been New Yorkers all their lives. Now, they say he's crazy.

Sounds good so far, right? In my area of Virginia, though, it's about 75% Trumpers. They love him. He can do no wrong. He has done so much for this country. He never said COVID-19 was a hoax, he knows what he's doing, he was busy with impeachment. You name it, they have the talking point. I think because the virus has just begun to hit this area, it seems remote. We have a Democratic Governor who's doing a good job, but they hate him because "abortion." There is just no discussing facts with them. They are in a cult.

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Apr 5, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

For COVID, I got the whole “more people die of flu” baloney. When I tried to point out Flu= vaccine, treatment, immunity and COVID = nothing, it was met with dismissal. I hold Fox News and Trump fully responsible.

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Apr 8, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

My in-laws are pure red Trumpers. Oddly they collect Medicare, VA benefits, Social Security, and all the other “socialist” programs they despise. They are good people in the sense that they treat us well. But when asked about why they support this abomination in the WH, it’s all Fox News talking points. What astounds me is how they benefit from the FDR, Eisenhower, and Johnson administrations but don’t want anyone else to benefit, especially around Medicare. Our son, their grandson, was born with preexisting conditions, and Obamacare (I’m proud to call it that too) saved his life. But they despise it despite loving their grandson. I can’t process how they can compartmentalize the two. We get on okay, but since 2016 nothing’s been the same. There’s another set of in-laws in Oklahoma who just vile religious zealots who are racist, homophobic, and xenophobic Trump cult members who we can no longer even converse with. They’ve taken Trumpism to Qanon levels of stupidity. I cannot emphasize to Bernie supporters and Biden supporters to unite and vote blue no matter who. If we don’t, I can assure this will be our last election. Just ask Wisconsin! Thank you!

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Apr 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I have unfriended friends and family who support Trump. Years ago, I would wait to give them a chance but now it is immediate. I have no tolerance for them and I have certainly let them know what I think and feel. I stick to one phrase when talking to Trumpsters or would-be‘s it is “he called it a hoax” and it pretty much shuts most of them up. I do not care how many times this phrase is used, for me it is my 9/11 moment of “never forget” and what this piece of shit Fake President said and didn’t do. It is at times sad for me because I do not like having to say certain things but the truth and facts have to be told, yes even in these trying times. I need to stay strong as well as we all do, our country depends on it.

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Apr 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I was interviewed for this article and my son, a 23 year old Obama voter/lover is still a trumper, thinks he is "the best president ever" and it kills me. My husband is not a trumper, never has been BUT he, like myself were not thrilled with Hillary, but we voted for her. We are hardcore Bernie supporters that are not thrilled about the prospect of having to hold our noses again to vote for another old time establishment Democrat, sweet old Grandpa Joe, but we will.

I have lost family and friends over trump, blocked and gone. I have been surprised to see so many people I grew up with be trump supporters, all entitled spoiled brats who grew up in a nice area in Oakland County, MI and have never hurt for anything, they are not my people anymore. My in-laws are trump supporters, bigly. My father-in-law is a retired GM worker and retired Police Officer who in the past has always been a Democrat, my mother-in-law goes back and forth, but they both voted for trump and will again. My in-laws spend their winters in Arizona where they proudly fly a big fat ugly trump 2020 flag, it makes me want to vomit. They think he is "funny", they don't see who is really is because they watch FOX news, tell me "that's all we have down here". Now, they are stuck in AZ, afraid to drive across the country to come home to Michigan, as they should be. My mother-in-law has Lupus and needs to stay home, sadly my father-in-law wants to get home and said he will head home in the next week, he thinks its not as serious. He has been out playing cards in his community/trailer park and thinks because they have all been there in the park that they are all safe. Now, we all know some of those people have had to leave the park for food. They are testing people, so we don't know the real numbers, but they believe whatever comes out of their orange kings stupid pie hole.

I have actually had trump supporters in the last week tell me "you should thank the GOP and trump for the $1,200 stimulus we are all getting", can you believe that horse shit?!?! These people are clueless, and shocked when I tell them the truth, they don't want to hear it, its maddening!!! These people are also believing trumps words about the "cure", even though he is not a Dr, you could line up 12 Drs and Scientists to tell them that there is not a cure, and these cult members will believe whatever trump tells them.

What is also maddening is all the trump yard signs I see here in the thumb of Michigan in rural Lapeer county, where I am surrounded by farmland, some of these people have made big huge wood signs that they painted, they really put some time into these ugly things! I don't know what is going on in this country with so many brainwashed trump cult members, and that is exactly what they are, but we need to all make sure we get out and vote this Nov. Shit, we better make sure we can vote this Nov, be ready for McConnell to try some sneaky crap to make sure we can't vote if this virus is still around then. I am ready for it and I am ready to fight, hope you all are.

If ever a leader deserved to catch the virus......

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Apr 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Thankfully we are both on the same page in my house. Worst President ever!! I feel sorry for anyone who has to live under those circumstances.

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Apr 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

My in-laws are devout Christians -- my mother-in-law, anyway, her life revolves around Christ, she teaches bible study, etc. I know that they are Republicans and by extension Trump supporters (they used to listen to Beck and I know they listen to Limbaugh). I learned a long time ago to never engage with them on political issues. I genuinely love my mother-in-law, she's the definition of a "Good Christian": she lives her life authentically according to Christ. I'm not a Christian, and my wife converted to my faith of her own volition, I would never ask her to convert for me, and didn't. But, we're both, and our daughter, too, liberal Democrats, living in Los Angeles, in the city, not suburbs.

Once, years ago, my mother-in-law made the mistake of criticizing the public education system. That was my opening, so I launched into it (I rarely let people get away with their bullshit, though only when they initiate it, like when my mother-in-law did, and likewise at work). Well, she didn't appreciate me calling her out on her "beliefs", and she ended the conversation by saying, "Well, we're better off not discussing these things." I left it at that, she's a good person, and I learned a long time ago that when it comes to ideology and beliefs, I'm not going to change her, so I don't try. They live in a rural -- and Conservative and religious -- area of Southern California.

Her son, my brother-in-law, is also a Conservative Christian, though we never discuss religion or politics. Right now he's struggling with his step-daughter, who is in a lesbian relationship for the first time at 30 years old. His wife isn't struggling with it, or, if she is, it's not getting in the way of her relationship with her only child.

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Apr 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

They also don’t seem to get the gutting of the ACA and the current refusal to extend the sign up period. Fortunately in California our Covered California exchange has extended the sign up period. What about all the states that refused to expand Medicaid?

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I have several ex in-laws (siblings of my ex-husband) who I am still FB friends with. They continue to support Trump, it seems especially during the current crisis. One just responded to a clip of a live press conference by Schumer by saying that “Democrats have no brains”. The other one posted something about how wonderful it is that Trump may be close to finding a cure fore the virus. The drug used for malaria which even Fauci doesn’t recommend because it hasn’t been through clinical trials. I cannot believe there are people out there who actually think like this. The other person is a friend from high school who is even worse. I guess she is still waiting for the rapture. In the mean time she thinks Trump was sent by God. Funny but sad at the same time.

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Apr 22, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I am a 42 year old black male veteran who is a contractor for the Navy. I work inside a laboratory with 6 other Republican men all whom are in their 60's except one who happens to be mid 50's. I've worked here since i got out the military in 2006.

To say I have learned how Republican white men think is an understatement. First, I learned early on that there pride does not allow them to be wrong about anything, even amongst themselves. I've heard the same bullshit rhetoric about Bill and Hillary, bleeding heart liberals and immigrants for almost a decade and a half. These old ass white men consume any right-wing propaganda and regurgitate it as if it is gospel. Then when you confront them with facts, there is dead silence and they still don't believe what they've just heard. Next, I don't know who raised these individuals, but, regarding women, they truly think the opposite gender is less than and that's just the way it is so they don't even comprehend the word misogyny. And finally, these fuckers are straight cowards. They hold onto their guns for dear life. I'm talking when they leave the house to go to 7-11, they are strapped as if they are going into a war zone and we work in Fairfax County, VA, one of the richest counties in America. These guys have gun safes, multiple, full of firearms. Why? They're scared of their own shadows. At any given time, I know there are multiple firearms in our building. It's nothing for them to be adding different accoutrements to their weapons while we are at work. And since Trump was sworn in, they've just fawned over his treatment of minorities. It's so funny that they can't even see how hypocritical they are on a variety of subjects. It's gotten to the point where I just laugh at them because they truly are pathetic. On a side note..........when President Obama won his first election, I came in the next day and it was so quiet you could hear a rat piss on cotton.

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Apr 21, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I’m not married to a “dear leader” supporter and if I was I would tell them to hit the bricks! I have many relatives that are dear leader supporters and we’re not “related” anymore! Love your show and keep up the good work you do!

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Apr 10, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

So my neighbors are big Trumpers and used to proudly wear their red hats. I’m careful when we talk because I want good neighbors. We talked at our mailboxes the other day and she said, that she had friends who think this is a hoax. I replied that they heard it from the President! I asked her how she liked the 500 billion corporate bail out? She said Trump has done a lot lately that she wasn’t happy with.

Not sure that means she would vote for Biden, maybe they will just stay home? Is there finally a crack in the shell? How ma y people have to die

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Apr 6, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

My dad is full on deep state fox news is the gospel in the bag trump humper. His twitter is a nothing but women in maga hats with guns, q conspiracy bullshit, and Bill Mitchell. Its insanity.

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It's not my spouse, so I don't know if my situation applies to this discussion but I work with two Trump supporters, which is pretty rare in Hollywood. I always have a hard time understanding Trump supporters because we live in a bubble here in Los Angeles where most people are liberal. But I've gotten to see a little bit of that perspective by trying to engage with these two guys I work with.

I see them shopping for guns on the internet, one of them owns something like 27 guns and he's hoping that he has the opportunity to use them in this post-apocalyptic world we seem to be living in. I think he wants an excuse to shoot homeless people because he talks about them as if they are less than human.

Both of these guys have said anti-semitic things about my Jewish co-worker and they've had an endless number of homophobic things to say to me. They like to leave Chick-fil-a packets on my desk.

It's very hard to engage with these two guys about Trump. They feel like the economy was booming because of him and unemployment was down. They can't listen or have a real conversation with me without cutting me off and bringing up some irrelevant Republican talking point. It's so frustrating.

When Trump made that statement at a rally about Conroavirus being a "new hoax" from the Democrats, my co-workers insisted that I had made it up and told me to get my facts straight. Which is interesting because I think it means that clip never made it to FOX News because that's all that they watch.

When I finally showed them the video of Trump saying that coronavirus was the "new hoax," my co-worker said "Well, it IS a hoax!" It's amazing to me how they can switch the conversation like that. And by now, they must feel a little stupid for thinking that.

Or do they?

I don't think that the way Trump has handled the Coronavirus crisis has changed their minds about Trump.

I'm curious to see if other Trump supporter's minds HAVE been changed because of this.

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I volunteer at a hospital that has shut down volunteer services due to this pandemic. I volunteer alongside a 93 year old “Democrat”. She keeps telling me that like she’s trying to prove how fair she is, I guess. Anyways, she told me that I should “give credit where credit is due...”. I said “Credit for what!?!?” I then told her that it was people like her who prolonged this hell we’re living in. I guess when they start volunteer services again, I’ll be lucky to be let back in the door.😂

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