LOL! Nothing to add, Michelangelo. You gave that guy all the time in the world and all he did was repeat all the Fox propaganda talking points. And of course he voted for DT twice!

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How is it that Tucker the fucker is still on the air?

Oh ya...same reason George Santos is still in congress. Dah!

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Hi Mike, Roger is ignorant, Roger insults you and your audience, Roger has no critical thinking skills. Mike, you sure have more patience than most folks I know.

The fact that Roger is unable to condemn Trump or Putin tells all of us what kind of individual he is... he just denies reality, he lives in an alternative universe, unfortunately most MAGAS are in his reality. And I say all this from the land of the very dried up K Lake. Thanks Mike and keep slapping these crazies.. Fred C

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“What a gullabull, what a nincowpoop”. You got him cornered down to point of only able to throw out Saturday morning Bugs Bunny cartoon insults. Priceless. The long pregnant pause when asked “Did you vote for Donald T.??, Joe Madison of the Joe Madison show points out that pause is the brain trying to figure out how to do the lie. I appreciate your exposing the brainwashed cultists. Too darn many out there ! Thank you to the disinformation and lies “news” outlets, social media distortions and lies passed around and around, and around and around. “A lie told often enough, people believe”. Our great hazard and danger ⚠️ in this 21st Century.

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The nerve, telling Michelangelo to listen?!? When he is supposed to hear nothing but bullshit? I don't think so.

It can be amusing to listen to people who are challenged try to make a point when there is really no point they are actually making (just proving to be one more foot soldier in cheetolini's army)!

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First words...

"Ehhh, you know, I JUST think..."

And there's the give away. "JUST?"

(I have never trusted when someone injects "JUST." It is a clear indication of a lie pending.)

And that "Ehhhh" -- I can sense the self-inflicted depression (that likely derives from his own hate, greed, fear and stupidity--it must be such a burden for him).

I have to ask: "How many seconds does it take you to figure out you got a catch?"

(You can host an interactive game show: "Is it a thinker or an idiot on the line?" Bzzzt...)

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Callers like this not only don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain (Rupert Murdoch), but pretend that one doesn't exist. Whenever I mention that Rupert got his start in the lie-spreading tabloid business, and that FAUX news is just a political manifestaton of said business, they do the adult version of sticking their fingers in their ears and go: NOT LISTENING, LA-LA-LA-LA!

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Good job, Mike, shutting Roger down. You're more patient with maga than they deserve. He wasn't the least bit credible yet called into your show to lecture you. Amazing. Glad you called him out on his bigoted mispronouncing of Adam Schiff's name too. Love your show! 😘

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Definitely the latest talking point. “All politicians lie.” Just read the same argument in a letter to the local newspaper. But it’s OK—I responded.

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Also on today's program there was this caller from New York doing this "both sides" BS as well. Not to mention that he was a total asshole.

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Michael, I love it when you debunk the bullshit of these trumpish idiots, keep up YOUR great work !

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People like Roger have absolutely no humanity in them. The fact that Rupert Murdoch's lie machine killed thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis doesn't evoke any emotions in their hateful stupid brains. Not to mention that in the UK, he was wiretapping a kidnapped girls cell phone, had his camera minions chase Lady Diana to an early grave, and made Freddie Mercury a prisoner in his own home during the last year of his life.

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This caller sounds like a Putin troll. Whenever you ask him if he supports Putin--he just dips, dodges and dances around it by saying how you interrupted him--and never gets to the point. Seems that the FAUX fanatics have nothing better to than use this both sidism BS.

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Yeah. He didn't vote for Trump. Not even once. Right.

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